August 2018


The project focuses on capacity building for oil and gas technology at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Courses for MSc in Oil and Gas Technology are offered jointly by UDSM members of staff and with visiting professors from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

In addition to fulfillment of academic requirement for relevant degree award, three candidates sponsored by this project are expected to contribute to the said overall project goals

Na Mwandishi Wetu
WAKAZI wa Temeke wamehamasika na kuamua kuunda vikundi vya usafi wa mazingira, ‘Usafi Clubs’, ikiwa ni moja ya matunda ya mradi wa kuwawezesha wakazi wa mijini, ‘Urban Legal Empowerment’ unaolenga kusaidia jamii ya watanzania kupata haki zao za kuishi katika mazingira salama na safi, haki za kiuchumi na za kijamii.  
Kupitia mradi huu, unaotekelezwa na shirika la LEAT kwa ufadhili wa LSF, wakazi wa Temeke pamoja na kata zake, viongozi wa serikali za mitaa na jamii kwa ujumla wamehamashishwa kutunza mazingira katika maeneo wanayoishi au kufanyia shughuli zao za kila siku.
“Kama sehemu ya utekelezaji wa mradi huu, LEAT tumetoa elimu kwa wananchi, viongozi wa kata, madiwani, na wanafunzi, kuhusu sheria za mazingira, kanuni, na namna gani elimu hii itakavyowezesha wananchi kutunza na kuboresha mazingira yao,” amesema Bi. Glory Kilawe, Mratibu wa mradi kutoka LEAT.
Baada ya kupata elimu, wakazi wa Temeke wameunda vikundi vya mazingira, maarufu kama “Usafi Clubs”—ambavyo vinatumika kama vyombo vya kuhamasisha usafi wa mazingira katika maeneo mbalimbali wilayani Temeke.
Tunawashukuru LEAT kutupatia elimu hii nzuri ya mazingira, kujua sheria na taratibu mbalimbali zinazohusu mazingira,” anasema mmoja wa wakazi wa Temeke, Hassan Juma, katika kikao maalum cha kutathmini utekelezaji wa mradi wa LEAT wilayani humo.
Hemed Pazi, Mwenyekiti wa Kituo cha Wasaidizi wa Kisheria-Temeke (Temeke Paralegal Centre), anasema wamefanikiwa kuunda vikundi (Usafi Clubs) vinne—viwili viko kata ya Mbagala and 2 kata ya Mianzini–kama sehemu ya utekelezaji wa mradi huo.
“Kinachotufurahisha zaidi ni kwamba hata viongozi wa serikali za mitaa ni sehemu ya vikundi ni wajumbe wa Usafi Clubs. Hii inatia moyo, kwa sababu uwepo wa viongozi hawa unafanya vikundi hivi viaminike kwa jamii, na kuongeza ufanisi katika utekelezaji wa majukumu yake,” kwa mujibu wa Pazi.
Diwani wa Kata ya Mianzini, Abdallah Kipende amesema elimu inayotolewa na Usafi Clubs mitaani imebadilisha tabia na mitazamo ya wakazi wengi kuhusu maswala ya mazingira, hata kuwawezesha kununua vyombo na mapipa  ya taka kwa ajili ya majumbani na mitaani, kuacha kabisa tabia ya kutupa taka ovyo, kama walivyozoea siku za nyuma.
“Sasa hivi, jamii  ya Temeke iko makini sana katika maswala ya mazingira; kila mtu sasa anajua usafi wa mazingira maana yake nini. Kama kuna mtu (leo hii) anataka kujenga kiwanda au kuleta uwekezaji wowote Temeke, lazima ajiandae kujibu maswali magumu ya wananchi kama vile mbinu gani atakazotumia kutunza na kulinda mazingira,” alisema  Kipende.
Mbali na kuwezesha uundaji wa vikundi vya mazingira, LEAT imesaidia kutatua migororo ya mazingira 19, kuelimisha wanafunzi zaidi ya 600, kusambaza machapisho mbalimbali yanayohusu mazingira kwa jamii, kuandaa midahalo na vipindi maalum vya television na radio –kujadili maswala ya mazingira—kama sehemu ya utekelezaji wa mradi wa Urban Legal Empowerment katika wilaya ya Temeke.
Mradi huu umebuniwa na kufadhiliwa na shirika la Legal Services Facility (LSF) na lengo kuu la mradi huu ni kuwezesha watanzania waishio mijini, hasa wasiojiweza kifedha, katika maswala mbalimbali ya kisheria, kijamii na kiuchumi.
Legal Services Facility (LSF) imeyawezesha mashirika sita yasiyokuwa ya kiserikali kwa ajili ya utekelezaji wa mradi wa Urban Legal Empowerment katika maeneo mbalimbali ya jiji la Dar es Salaam

Temeke residents have set up several environmental groups, dubbed “Usafi Clubs” as part of a urban legal empowerment project, which gears at sensitizing and empowering local communities to clean up their environment, among other things.
Urban legal empowerment project is a brainchild of the Legal Services Facility (LSF)—a basket funding mechanism, which provide grants to legal aid organizations involved in the implementation of paralegal and related projects across the country. More than 50 legal aid organizations have already benefited from LSF funding since its inception in 2011.
Among other things, urban legal empowerment intends to empower urban dwellers and enable them to access their social and economic rights—including access to safe water, education, health services, clean environment, and other social and economic rights.
Lawyers Environmental Action Team (LEAT)—is one of six legal aid organizations which received LSF funding for the implementation of urban legal empowerment project in different parts of Dar es Salaam. Basically, LEAT focused on environmental-related issues—educating/training local communities, paralegals, paralegal units, local executives on the importance of cleaning up their environment, exposing them to environmental and hygienic laws, rules and regulations and other related matters in Temeke District.
The knowledge acquired from LEAT trainings, encouraged Temeke residents to establish their own environmental groups, popularly known as “Usafi Clubs” –an instrument which is used to sensitize and mobilize people, local authorities and leaders, investors to clean their environment—from the streets up to the district levels.
“We thank LSF on one hand, and LEAT on the other…we thank LSF because it supported LEAT to give us such good education on environment, laws and regulations. Thanks to the two of them,” said one Temeke resident, Hassan Juma, at a special session organized by LEAT to review implementation of a one-year pilot project.
“It’s because of their support, now we have Usafi Clubs in place…everybody is eager to join to these clubs,” added Juma as recalls successes registered in the implementation of the project.
Hemed Pazi, Chairman of Temeke Paralegal Centre, said four Usafi Clubs have been formed –2 clubs in Mbagala Ward and 2 in Mianzini Ward –in the context of project implementation, which also involved paralegals.
Interesting part of the story is that local government executives are “part and parcel of these clubs…they are members of the clubs” according to Pazi, noting that “involvement of local leaders increased public trust and confidence on the clubs, thus making them more effective.”
Mianzini Ward Councilor, Abdallah Kipende said door-to-door environmental knowledge spread by Usafi Clubs has significantly changed altitudes and behaviour of Temeke residents, enabling them to set up dust-bins and tanks across the streets, stopped littering the environment, as they used to do in the past.
“In fact, the entire Temeke community is now sensitive about environmental issues; many people are aware of their environmental rights. Today, if somebody wants to put up industries or any large-scale investment in the district should get prepared for tough questions from communities on strategies they would employ to protect the environment,” says Kipende.
Besides establishment of Usafi Clubs, according to Ms. Glory Kilawe, LEAT official-in-charge of the project, said 19 environmental cases were resolved, over 600 students received environmental education, several educative materials distributed to communities, special television and radio programmes were aired, public dialogues organized on the subject—as part of urban legal empowerment pilot project in Temeke district.
In the wake of increasing number of urban poor needing legal assistance in different parts of the country, LSF came up with urban legal empowerment—a new and strategic model which guides paralegals and legal aid organizations on how to assist urban dwellers to access their social and economic rights.

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