January 2015

Njia zote zinaelekea Zanzibar Afrika Mashariki kwa Tamasha bora zaidi duniani.
Kwa kituo cha habari bora na cha kimataifa kubeba habari: ‘Matamasha 7 ya Kiafrika unayotakiwa kushuhudia’ hakuna shaka kwamba, watu kutoka katika pembe zote za dunia mapema Februari kila mwaka hukutana katika moja ya matukio makubwa kabisa duniani. Ikipita njia tofauti zinazofika katika kisiwa cha marashi ya karafuu, Zanzibar! Sio kwa sababu   nyingine ila kukutana katika mandhari yenye mawe, nzuri na iliyotulia ndani ya eneo lenye hazina yenye historia na iliyo bora katika Afrika Mashariki Mji Mkongwe, Zanzibar pembezoni mwa bahari Tanzania ili kuchota sauti zenye busara zinazozalishwa na kundi la wasanii tofauti wa kiafrika. Hii itakua tamasha la kila mwaka la Sauti za Busara linalofanyika kuanzia tarehe 12 hadi 15 Februari 2015 mjini Zanzibar. Moja ya matamasha saba bora duniani ambayo unatakiwa kushuhudia!

Kipindi cha Februari Zanzibar ni eneo linalochangamka, lenye mchanganyiko murua wa majengo ya kale na Muziki wa kisasa wa kiafrika. Mchanganyiko wa wasikilizaji kutoka pembe zote za ulimwengu huvaa viatu vyao vya kucheza na kukusanyika katika safari ya kimuziki unaopigwa laivu asilimia 100. Idadi ya wageni katika kipindi cha tamasha kinaendelea kukua. Ni katika mahali pa tukio tu Ngome Kongwe mjini Zanzibar ambapo mtu anaweza kukutana na Muafrika kusini, Mkenya, Mmisri au Mcanada katika mlango, kisha akakamata dansi na Muethiopia au Mtaliano, kisha akaenda kupiga picha na mtu kutoka Finland au Mholanzi na baadaye kupata kinywaji na Mnaijeria au Mnorway. Kwa hakika utakubali kwamba, tamasha la Sauti za Busara si la kukosa!  

Tamasha la 12 la mwaka 2015 la Sauti za Busara ni moja ambalo litaunda sehemu maalum katika nafsi yako hasa ukizingatia orodha ya wasanii. Shangwe kwa rapa wakighana aliyelowea NYC Marekani ambaye pia ni prodyuza na Mwanafikra Samuel Kantulo Bazawule au kwa jina la kisanii Blitz the Ambassador. Akiwa na taswira ya kukumbatia asili yake binafsi yaki Afrika Magharibi na Mchanganyiko waki Afropolitan, msanii kijana huyu anachanganya milio maarufu ya kiafrika, soul ya zamani yaki Marekani na mikito mikali pamoja na mashairi huku akisaidiwa na washiriki wakimataifa wakiwemo Angelique Kidjo, Seun Kuti na Nneka.

‘Nilitaka hadithi ambayo haikua tu kuhusu uzuri, ila inayogusa changamoto za wahamiaji vile vile’, anasema Blitz the Ambassador mzaliwa wa Ghana kuhusu albamu yake mpya, Afropolitan Dreams. Blitz mwenyewe alifika Marekani mwaka 2001, akitokea Ghana. Afropolitan Dreams ilihamasishwa na kukutana na wenzake katika Nyanja tofauti. Kitu kimoja kilichofanya wafanane ni kwamba wote walikua wahamiaji. Blitz binafsi anasimama kama mtu tofauti, rapa tofauti mwenye hisia kali na utambulisho. Kama kawaida kwa Blitz, albamu yake ni zaidi tu ya muziki uliopo. Ni kuhusu wahamiaji waliojenga na kuipa hadhi marekani Marekani. Wasanii wa ndani  ambao watachangia jukwaa wanatakiwa kujisifia kwamba majina yao yatawekwa pamoja na majina mashuhuri yatakayoonesha vipaji katika Sauti za Busara.

Tukirudi nyumbani, Msanii wa kurekodi wakitanzania, mwandishi, dansa na cha kushangaza pia muigizaji; Saleh Kiba anayefahamika zaidi kama Alikiba anabakia kua mmoja wa wasanii nyota nchini aliyezaliwa katika kipindi cha Bongoflava. Alijiweka katika nafasi yake anayestahili katika eneo zima la Afrika Mashariki na sifa zake kimataifa zinaendelea kukua kwa kasi hadi sasa. Mwaka 2010 Alikiba alishirikiana na Muimbaji-mwandishi na prodyuza wa Marekani R Kelly katika mradi wake uliofanikiwa wa One8 pamoja na Fally Ipupa, 2Face na wasanii wengine wakiafrika. R Kelly alimsifia Alikiba kwa sauti yake yakitofauti na nzuri, na kumfanya muimbaji muongozaji wa nyimbo ya mradi huo, Hands across the World. Katika kipindi hicho hicho, alishinda tuzo ya BEFFTA kama Msanii Bora wa Kimataifa kipengele ambacho alishindanishwa dhidi ya Msanii wa Nigeria 2Face Idibia, Beyonce na Akon.

Mwaka mmoja baadae, Alikiba alitoa Dushelele, ambayo alishirki kuiprodyuz na kuiongoza na ikaenda kushinda tuzo ya Kilimanjaro Music Award kama nyimbo bora ya Zouk. Kama wasanii wenzake wengi wa bongo flava, Alikiba kikawaida hutumbuiza kwa mtindo wa ‘playback’lakini hakuna shaka kwamba kwa onesho hili la nadra na la kipeke katika tamasha la Sauti za Busara 2015, Alikiba anapanga kutumbuiza na bendi nzima akiwa na wanamuziki wa kweli, live asilimia 100!

Ratiba ya tamasha la 12 ni moto wa kuotea mbali ikijumuisha wanamuziki wakali na wanaokuja juu kutoka Kenya, kundi la muziki wa kisasa la Sarabi pamoja na msanii kioo wa muziki wa kufoka Octopizzo. Wasanii hawa wawili wapo kwenye mteremko mkali wa umaarufu katika tasnia ya muziki wa Kenya. Sarabi, bendi ya vijana walioanza kupiga muziki pamoja wakiwa na umri wa miaka 11 wamekua wakiitwa na vyombo vya habari ‘Sura mpya ya Afro-fusion nchini Kenya’. Wakihamasishwa na matukio ya kila siku, wanaunda muziki wa picha ambao unawakilisha wazi jamii ya Kikenya. Muziki wa Sarabi umejikita katika mahadhi asili kama vile benga na mchanganyiko wa milio yakimagharibi. Mnamo mwaka 2013, waliachia albamu yao ya kwanza iliyoitwa ‘Oyaore’ iliyopata sifa nyingi. Mwaka 2014 waliisomba Kenya kwa kasi na Sheria. Juliani, msanii wa kikenya wa miondoko ya kufoka, alishirikishwa katika nyimbo hiyo. Sheria inaangazia skendo ya mahindi, upotevu wa fedha ya elimu ya msingi, skendo ya Kazi kwa Vijana na nyingine nyingi. Lakini pia nyimbo hiyo inalaumu watu wa Kenya kwa kukubali na kutoa hongo.

Wakati Octopizzo, anayefahamika zaidi kama Namba Nane Baby na mashabiki wake alizaliwa na kukulia katika eneo kubwa maskini Nchini Kenya, Kibera. Octopizzo ni moja ya wasanii walio juu wa miondoko ya kufoka Kenya anayefahamika kwa mistari yake yenye mshiko na kujibandika jina lenye namba 8, namba ambayo inawakilisha mtaa wake. Msanii huyu alitokezea katika tasnia ya muziki mnamo mwaka 2008 na mixtape yake ‘Strugglers of Nairobi’ ambayo ilipata mafanikio makubwa na ambayo imemuweka juu katika kazi yake ya muziki kutoka kipindi hicho kwa nyimbo zake Ivo Ivo IvoVile Inafaa na On Top.  
Ukiacha muziki wake, vile vile ni mjasiriamali mbunifu mwenye line ya nguo (Y.G.B), kampuni ya kutembeza watalii inayoitwa ‘Chocolate City’ pamoja na line ya kondomu inayoitwa ‘Let’s Do It’. Octopizzo bado anajishughulisha katika jamii yake na muziki wake humulika hili, kukiwa na mashairi yanayowahimiza wakenya kupiga kura, na hitaji la amani, umoja na usawa wakiuchumi. 
Ni mwanzilishi na Mwenyekiti wa jumuiya ya Young, Gifted and Black, inahusisha marapa, washairi, wasanii wa michoro ya barabarani, wasanii wa grafiki na madansa. Amefanya ziara Ulaya na nchi nyingine kadhaa kufanya maonyesho. Octopizzo ataendeleza burudani zaidi akiwa na bendi na kutumbuiza live. Hawa na wasanii wengine wengi watakuwepo kuwasha moto mjini Stone Town katika tamasha la Sauti za Busara, sehemu ambayo bahari ya watu hutiririka ndani yake katika mwezi wa Februari.

Ukiacha kutoa fursa za kutengeneza mitandao kwa wasanii wa ndani, serikali ya Tanzania imeonesha katika takwimu zilizotolewa tangu tamasha lianze mara yake ya kwanza mwaka 2004, utalii umekua kwa kiwango kikubwa huku idadi ya watalii ikiongezeka hadi kufikia asilimia 500. 
Kama mkurugenzi wa tamasha, Yusuf Mahmoud anaeleza “Matamasha huhamasisha mvuto wa vijana wadogo katika tamaduni zao, huku yakitoa fursa kwa wasanii na wataalam wa muziki kukutana na kujifunza kati ya mtu mmoja na mwingine, hufanya mila ziendelee kuishi, kutoa ajira kwa wazawa pamoja na kuifanya Zanzibar kuwa mfano wa utalii wenye wajibu ambao unatukuza na kuheshimu tamaduni za ndani”

Wasanii waliopangwa kutumbuiza pamoja na mioyo kunjufu yenye ukarimu ya wazanzibari kwa kiasi kikubwa vina kila uhusiano na hili. Wahudhuriaji wa tamasha kutoka duaniani kote watafata mlio wa ngoma ya kiafrika na kufurahia tamaduni tajiri ya kiafrika itakayooneshwa katika kisiwa hiki maridhawa. Sauti laini, tamu ya msanii aliyebarikiwa Isabel Novella kutoka  Msumbiji, itatawala hewa ya Ngome kongwe.
 Amejaaliwa sauti ya kuimba. Akitembea katika mahadhi ya muziki wa soul-bossa jazz, marrabenta-bossaupbeat reggaeton na Afro soul; Isabel amejitengenezea sauti tofauti kwa ajili yake – ‘pop-world soul’. Wakiwa stejini, wengine watakua ni pamoja na Ihhashi Elimhlophe (Afrika Kusini),   Tcheka (Cape Verde),   Diabel Cissokho (Senegal),  Culture Musical Club (Zanzibar),  Msafiri Zawose (Tanzania),   Aline Frazão (Angola),   Tsiliva (Madagascar),   Leo Mkanyia and the Swahili Blues Band (Tanzania),   Mohamed Ilyas & Nyota Zameremeta (Zanzibar),   Thaïs Diarra (Senegal / Mali / Uswisi),   Liza Kamikazi and band (Rwanda),   Erik Aliana (Cameroon),  Mpamanga (Madagascar),   Mgodro Group (Zanzibar),   Rico Single & Swahili Vibes (Zanzibar),   Zee Town Sojaz (Zanzibar),   Ifa Band (Tanzania) na wengine wengi. Maelezo zaidi yanapatikana katika www.busaramusic.org


Kwa maswali yoyote wasiliana nasi kupitia press@busara.or.tz
For any queries please get in touch with us at press@busara.or.tz 
* Picha kubwa zinapatikana kwa kuziomba

General description
The Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (AISSR) and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam are looking for 3 PhD candidates who will participate in the ERC funded research project “Race Matter: The absent presence of race in forensic investigation”, directed by Dr. Amade M’charek. The Department of Anthropology is one of the departments of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Research and education are carried out by special institutes. Research takes place under the aegis of the AISSR, a multidisciplinary research institute, the biggest one of its kind in the Netherlands and possibly in Europe. The broad scope and pluralism of our education and research programmes are inspired by and reflect a strong degree of internationalisation.
Job application
Applications by email only. These should include the following documents:

In a single PDF file:
I. A motivation letter (maximum 400 words)
II. A full curriculum vitae
III. A preliminary proposal outlining the candidate’s own research proposal in relation to the broader project, based on one of the three face-making technologies indicated above in the project description. This proposal should include information on relevant literature, research questions, methodological strategies and theoretical implications (maximum 2.000 words).
IV. Names and contact details of three references

In a separate, single PDF file:
I. Two writing samples (thesis and/or essay or and/or article), which provide evidence of ethnographic fieldwork experience and ability to theorize.

Applications must be sent as e-mail attachments to application-antr-fmg@uva.nl
 before February 28, 2015. The subject of the e-mail message and the attachment must consist of the text “FaceRaceID + applicant's last name”. The file with the writing samples needs to have ‘sample’ added to the last name. A selection of candidates will be interviewed from March through April 2015. The appointments will start in May 2015.

See attached PDF for all details

General description
The Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (AISSR) and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam are looking for 3 PhD candidates who will participate in the ERC funded research project “Race Matter: The absent presence of race in forensic investigation”, directed by Dr. Amade M’charek. The Department of Anthropology is one of the departments of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Research and education are carried out by special institutes. Research takes place under the aegis of the AISSR, a multidisciplinary research institute, the biggest one of its kind in the Netherlands and possibly in Europe. The broad scope and pluralism of our education and research programmes are inspired by and reflect a strong degree of internationalisation.
Job application
Applications by email only. These should include the following documents:

In a single PDF file:
I. A motivation letter (maximum 400 words)
II. A full curriculum vitae
III. A preliminary proposal outlining the candidate’s own research proposal in relation to the broader project, based on one of the three face-making technologies indicated above in the project description. This proposal should include information on relevant literature, research questions, methodological strategies and theoretical implications (maximum 2.000 words).
IV. Names and contact details of three references

In a separate, single PDF file:
I. Two writing samples (thesis and/or essay or and/or article), which provide evidence of ethnographic fieldwork experience and ability to theorize.

Applications must be sent as e-mail attachments to application-antr-fmg@uva.nl
 before February 28, 2015. The subject of the e-mail message and the attachment must consist of the text “FaceRaceID + applicant's last name”. The file with the writing samples needs to have ‘sample’ added to the last name. A selection of candidates will be interviewed from March through April 2015. The appointments will start in May 2015.

See attached PDF for all details

General description
The Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (AISSR) and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam are looking for 3 PhD candidates who will participate in the ERC funded research project “Race Matter: The absent presence of race in forensic investigation”, directed by Dr. Amade M’charek. The Department of Anthropology is one of the departments of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Research and education are carried out by special institutes. Research takes place under the aegis of the AISSR, a multidisciplinary research institute, the biggest one of its kind in the Netherlands and possibly in Europe. The broad scope and pluralism of our education and research programmes are inspired by and reflect a strong degree of internationalisation.
Job application
Applications by email only. These should include the following documents:

In a single PDF file:
I. A motivation letter (maximum 400 words)
II. A full curriculum vitae
III. A preliminary proposal outlining the candidate’s own research proposal in relation to the broader project, based on one of the three face-making technologies indicated above in the project description. This proposal should include information on relevant literature, research questions, methodological strategies and theoretical implications (maximum 2.000 words).
IV. Names and contact details of three references

In a separate, single PDF file:
I. Two writing samples (thesis and/or essay or and/or article), which provide evidence of ethnographic fieldwork experience and ability to theorize.

Applications must be sent as e-mail attachments to application-antr-fmg@uva.nl
 before February 28, 2015. The subject of the e-mail message and the attachment must consist of the text “FaceRaceID + applicant's last name”. The file with the writing samples needs to have ‘sample’ added to the last name. A selection of candidates will be interviewed from March through April 2015. The appointments will start in May 2015.



DEADLINE: FEB. 11, 2015
 Every year the RSM Program provides grants of up to $25,000

TO PHD CANDIDATES FROM DEVELOPING COUNTRIES to conduct innovative, development-related, PhD research under the supervision of a research advisor at a host institution abroad.
Fellows must commit to RETURN TO THEIR HOME COUNTRY when their fellowship ends to complete their PhD and to work.


Home country of the candidate is a World Bank member developing
country. (The list of eligible countries can be consulted at http://go.worldbank.org/S2ADVPZVX0 [2])

Not being a dual citizen of a developed country or a country that is not a World Bank member.

Currently enrolled in a PhD program in a World Bank member country.· Having completed all coursework and exam requirements for PhD at the time of application.
 · Having a master’s degree.
 · Being 35 years or younger as of February 11, 2015.
 · Meeting one of the following conditions:
 o Being enrolled in a PhD program in home country, and not currently employed.
 o Being enrolled in a PhD program in home country and employed in home country.
 o Enrolled in a PhD program in a World Bank member country outside of home country and employed in home country.
 · Not being an Executive Director(ED), ED’s alternate, staff, or  consultant of the World Bank Group (the World Bank, International  Finance Corporation, International Development Association,  Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and International Center for  Settlement of Investment Disputes), and not having any relatives or in-laws who are employed by the World Bank Group in any capacity, including consulting.
 · Not having previously been the recipient of the World Bank Robert
 S. McNamara Fellowship.
 · Being accepted as a visiting scholar for a period of six to ten  months by a university or research center in a World Bank member country other than home country.
 · Research proposal endorsed by PhD thesis supervisor and host
 institution research advisor.
 · Being able to begin the fellowship between July and December, 2015.
 · Being able to complete the proposed fellowship research in 6 to 10 months.
 · Committing to working in home country after completion of PhD.
 Deadline for submitting online application: February 11, 2015.
Further instructions on preparing and submitting the Application are available at the World Bank Scholarships Program website [3]. The  online application form is available on our website between January 7 –
 February 11, 2015 at http://www.worldbank.org/scholarships [4]
 Potential applicants may also contact us at
 rsm_fellowships@worldbank.org if answers to their questions are not  available on the website.

The Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program was established in 1982 to honor the former President of the World Bank, by contributions from the  World Bank and the governments of Bangladesh, China, India, Kuwait, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, and former Yugoslavia.

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