The Karimjee Jivanjee family came to Africa more than 200 years ago from Gujarat in India. We came as dhow traders from India to Zanzibar and established our business in Zanzibar in 1825.

Our business prospered and by 1920 we had expanded into Tanganyika. By 1950 the family was engaged in import and export trading, sisal and tea farming and sales and service of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
President Jakaya Kikwete (right) receives Karimjee Jivanjee family book from Hatim Karimjee, Chairman of Karimjee Jivanjee Ltd during a ceremony to launch the book in Dar es Salaam recently.
The Karimjee family established several charity trusts in the 1950’s and built many schools, hospitals and dispensaries and mosques and community centres. The most famous of these donations are; Karimjee Hall, Usagara Secondary School in Tanga (formerly Karimjee School), the Karimjee Clinic in Mnazi Moja, and the old Karimjee Hospital in Zanzibar. At the same time Karimjee gave scholarships to many Tanzanians to study overseas.

The charity trusts became less active after 1966/1969.


In 2009 the family decided to revive the charity trusts and registered the new Karimjee Jivanjee Foundation (KJF). KJF commenced operations in 2011.
KJF is funded by donations from Toyota Tanzania.

The mission of KJF is to invest in Education as a means to enhance the economic development of Tanzania. Tanzania faces many short term and long term socio- economic difficulties. The long term solution to many of these challenges is education.
Our strategy is to provide scholarships to Tanzanians to study in Tanzania, and to make improvements to various schools.
KJF has approximately 50 Scholars studying at graduate and post graduate level in Tanzania.
In addition to scholarships KJF provides donations to some schools to make improvements to education facilities.

Two Tanzanian Doctors, Dr Rehema Laiti and Dr Shakilu Kayungo will be the first Doctors in Tanzania to study for a newly developed Masters in Paediatric Oncology at “MUHAS” Muhimbili University for Health and Allied Sciences.
They have received scholarships from the Karimjee Jivanjee Foundation to fund their two years study including a 3 month international work experience in hospitals in Ireland. The cost of the scholarships provided by Karimjee Jivanjee Foundation is Tshs 70 million.
The Rotary Paediatric Oncology Ward(Children’s Cancer Ward) at Muhimbili National Hospital is the newest and the best children’s cancer ward in East Africa. This new ward was completed in 2013 and it was funded by Six Rotary Clubs in Dar es Salaam at a cost of US $700,000.
Dr Trish Scanlan and Children in Crossfire are aware that the foundation for long term sustainability in clinical services is the establishment of local capacity in treating children with cancer. This requires qualified Tanzanian doctors working in hospitals around the country. We are grateful to Dr Scanlan and to Children in Crossfire for establishing this Masters Programme in Paediatric Oncology in collaboration with MUHAS.
Karimjee Jivanjee Foundation realised that the time had come
to trainTanzanian doctors in this specialised field of Paediatric
Oncology, and that is why we have agreed to provide
Scholarships to two Doctors. Currently Tanzania does not have
a single qualified Paediatric Oncologist apart from Dr Trish
Scanlan. Doctors Rehema Laiti and Shakilu Kayungo will be
the first Tanzanian Paediatric Oncologists.

It is my therefore my pleasure to award these two scholarships,
And congratulate Doctor Rehema Laiti and Doctor Shakilu
Kayungo for their awards.

Hatim Karimjee
Chairman, Karimjee Jivanjee Foundation, and
Honorary Chairman Karimjee Jivanjee Group of Companies in Tanzania

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