July 2016

TAASISI ya Utafiti ya Uchumi na Jamii (ESRF) imewakutanisha wasomi na wawakilishi wa taasisi za umma na kibinafsi kuchambua bajeti ya Serikali ya mwaka 2016/2017 katika Sekta ya Afya na Viwanda ili kuona inavyoweza kutatua changamoto zinazokabili Sekta hizo kwenye mdahalo uliokutanisha wasomi, wawakilishi wa Taasisi za Umma na Binafsi na kufanyika makao makuu ya Taasisi hiyo jijini Dar es Salaam.

Akifungua mdahalo huo, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Taasisi hiyo, Dkt.Tausi Kida alisema, Taasisi yake imeona ni vema kuwakutanisha wadau kujadili bajeti hiyo katika sekta ya Afya na Viwanda, kwa vile zinagusa uchumi wa wananchi.

Akiwasilisha mada juu ya bajeti ya Serikali 2016/2017na changamoto zinazoikabili sekta ya Afya, Mhadhiri wa Chuo Kikuu Kishiriki Cha Afya na Sayansi Shirikishi, Cha Muhimbili, (MUHAS), Profesa Phares Mujinja alisema, ingawa bajeti iliyotengwa kwenye sekta ya Afya ni kubwa, lakini bado kuna changamoto kadhaa kwa vile Wizara hiyo imepanuka kutokana na kuhudumia maeneo mengi.
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Taasisi ya Utafiti wa Uchumi na Jamii, (ESRF), Dkt.Tausi Kida, akitoa hotuba ya ufunguzi wa mdahalo uliolenga kujadili changamoto zinazoikabili bajeti ya mwaka 2016/2017 kwenye sekta ya Afya na Viwanda, kwenye makao makuu ya ESRF jijini Dar es Salaam. Mdahalo huo umewakutanisha wasomi, wawakilishi wa Taasisi za Umma na Binafsi. (Picha zote na K-VIS MEDIA/Khalfan Said).

Profesa Mujinja alitolea mfano wa ununuzi wa madawa ambapo, zaidi ya asilimia 90 ya madawa yanayotumika huagizwa kutoka nje na hivyo fedha nyingi za kigeni hutumika.

Katika majumuisho yake, Profesa Mujinja alisema, ni vema Serikali ielekeze nguvu zake kwenye uanzishwaji wa viwanda vya kuzalisha madawa na vifaa tiba hapa nchini ili kwenda sambamba na malengo ya taifa ya maendeleo endelevu.

Akizungumzia kuhusu changamoto za bajeti kwenye eneo la Viwanda, muwasilisha mada Profesa Prosper H. Ngowi kutoka Chuo Kikuu Cha Mzumbe kampasi ya Dar es Salaam, alisema, fedha zilizotengwa kwenye Sekta ya Viwanda ni Shilingi Bilioni 81, 871,992,000, ambapo asilimia 51 ni kwa ajili ya matumizi ya kawaida na asilimia 49 ni kwa ajili ya miradi ya maendeleo.

Kwa mtazamo wake, Profesa Ngowi alisema, mgawanyo huo ni mzuri na sio kwa kiwango kikubwa kwani hakuna tofauti na bajeti ya mwaka 2015/2016, na kuonyesha wasiwasi wake muda ambao Serikali inatoa fedha hizo kuhudumia maeneo yaliyokusudiwa.
Mhadhiri wa Chuo Kikuu Kishiriki Cha Afya na Sayansi Shirikishi (MUHAS), Cha Muhimbili, Profesa Phares Mujinja, akitoa mada juu ya changamoto zinazoikabili bajeti ya Serikali ya 2016/2017 kwenye Sekta ya Afya wakati wa mdahalo huo.

“Bajeti ya 2016/2017 ni Asilimia 70.3% ya ile ya 2015/2016 na kwamba wizara hivi sasa ni kubwa kutokana na kuongezeka kwa sekta ya Uwekezaji.” Alifafanua.

Wakichangia mada hizo, wengi wa washiriki wameonyesha wasiwasi wao kuhusu kufanikiwa kwa malengo ya serikali kwenye Sekta hizo kutokana na muonekano wa bajeti yenyewe na mahitaji halisi ya sasa ya utoaji huduma kwenye Sekta hizo ili kufikia malengo ya kukuza uchumi wa nchi kumekuwepo kwa mtazamo kuwa biashara nchini zinaanguka kutokana na mkazo wa kukusanya mapato.

Akifunga mdahalo huo, Kaimu Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Utawala na Ujenzi wa Maendeleo wa ESRF, Doris Likwelile, aliwashukuru washiriki kwa michango yao mbalimbali na kwamba mawazo yao yatawezesha utayarishaji wa mtazamo wa wadau kwenye Bajeti ya Serikali ya mwaka 2016/2017 kwenye Sekta hizo mbili za Afya na Viwanda.
Edith Mackenzie, akichangia kwenye mdahalo huo.
Mkuu wa Program ya Taarifa na Utafiti kutoka TGNP, Gloria Shechambo akishiriki kwenye mdahalo huo.
Mkurugenzi wa SIKIKA, Irinei Kiria, akichangia mawazo yake kwenye majadiliano hayo.
Mhadhiri wa Chuo Kikuu Cha Mzumbe kampasi ya Dar es Salaam, Profesa Prosper Ngowi, akiwasilisha mada ya changamoto zinazoikabili bajeti ya serikali ya mwaka 2016/2017 kwenye sekta ya Viwanda hapa nchini, wakati wa majadiliano yaliyowaleta pamoja wasomi na wawakilishi wa taasisi za Umma na Binafsi kwenye ukumbi wa mikutano wa ESRF jijini Dar es Salaam. Majadiliano hayo yaliandaliwa na Taasisi ya Utafiti wa Uchumi na Jamii, (ESRF).
Dkt. Kida akichangia baadhi ya hoja za washiriki na watoa mada. Kushoto ni Profesa Prosper Ngowi.
Baadhi ya washiriki wa majadiliano hayo.

Kaimu Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Utawala na Ujenzi wa Maendeleo wa ESRF, Doris Likwelile, akitoa hotuba ya kufunga mdahalo huo.
Afisa Mpipango Mkuu wa Mamlaka ya Bandari Tanzania, (TPA), Alfred Matuntera, (kushoto0, akizungumza jambo mbele ya Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa ESRF, Dkt. Tausi Kida, (kulia), Mhadhiri wa Chuo Kikuu Cha Afya Shirikishi Cha Muhimbili, (MUHAS), Profesa Phares Mujinja, (wa pili kulia), na Mhadhiri wa Chuo Kikuu Cha Mzumbe kampasi ya Dar es Salaam, Profesa Prosper Ngowi.

Ngoma Africa Band, one of the most sought-after African bands in Germany will be live on stage.
Kamanda Ras Makunja, the band leader told the Afronews.de that they were preparing to stage one of their best-ever shows.
This is the event to attend if you’d like feel the spirit and rhythm of Africa.

Guests will have a chance of enjoying a dancing performance by “Daniela & Ahmet” of AfroMoves, Stuttgart – the first dancing KIZOMBA School in Germany.

They’ll also enjoy a dancing performance by “The Tumbaolindas”. This is a sexy, inspiring and moving – dance show from the amazing Afro & Salsa Dance School in Esslingen. Last year the Tumboalindas won the second place at the Ladystyle Dance Competition in Germany.

On the turntable there will be DJ Drazee (from Kumasi, Central Ghana) who works at the Big FM/Catch A Fire Jugglerz Radio. He’ll be joined by DJ Dominique (from Guadeloupe) who will spin some Afro-Latin/Dancehall/Oldschool-Music.

The XXL AFRO SUMMER JAM will be held at Kulturhaus Arena, Ulmer Str. 241, 70327 Stuttgart. To get your ticket, please send an email to xxlafrosummerjam@gmx.de or dial 0157-32161521.

Ebrahim Makunja, Kiongozi

Baraza linapenda kutoa taarifa kuwa Mfumo wa Udahili wa Pamoja (CAS)
umefunguliwa tena kuanzia tarehe 22 Julai 2016 ili kujaza nafasi za
udahili zilizo wazi baada ya Baraza kuchagua waombaji udahili
waliowasilisha maombi yao kuanzia tarehe 4 Machi 2016 hadi tarehe 3 Juni
Mwisho wa kuwasilisha maombi ni  tarehe 5 Agosti 2016 saa sita

Waombaji wapya na baadhi ya waombaji walioshindwa kukamilisha maombi yao
kupitia mtandao ilipofika tarehe 3 Juni 2016, wanaarifiwa kuanza
kuwasilisha maombi ya udahili kupitia Mfumo wa Udahili wa Pamoja (CAS) ili
kujaza nafasi zilizo wazi. Waombaji wanahimizwa kutumia muda huu wa
nyongeza ili kuwasilisha maombi.

Baraza linapenda pia kuwaarifu waombaji udahili na umma kwa ujumla kuwa
vikao vya Kamati za kuidhinisha majina ya waombaji udahili kupitia Mfumo
wa Udahili wa Pamoja (CAS) vilipitisha orodha ya majina  ya wenye sifa za
udahili kulingana na nafasi za udahili kwa kila kozi zitolewazo na vyuo
husika kati ya tarehe 18 Julai 2016 na 21 Julai 2016. Majina ya waombaji
waliochaguliwa kwa kila kozi itolewayo na chuo husika yamekabidhiwa vyuoni
kupitia Mfumo wa Udahili wa Pamoja (CAS). Waombaji waliochaguliwa nao
wamearifiwa kupitia kurasa (profile) zao binafsi au kwa kubofya hapa.
Waombaji ambao hawakuchaguliwa wamejulishwa sababu zilizowafanya
wasichaguliwe kupitia kurasa (profile) zao pia.

Kwa waombaji wa Shahada ya Kwanza waliowasilisha maombi yao kupitia NACTE,
Baraza linapenda kuwaarifu kuwa, mashauriano kati ya NACTE na Tume ya Vyuo
Vikuu Tanzania (TCU) yanaendelea kufanyika ili kufanikisha udahili wa
waombaji wa kozi za Shahada ya Kwanza kama Serikali ilivyoagiza.

Imetolewa na

Ofisi ya Katibu Mtendaji


Tarehe: 22 Julai, 2016

For months Microsoft has been describing Windows 10 “as a service”  and
now we know why. Microsoft is going to introduce a monthly subscription
fee for Windows 10 usage…
‘Get Windows 10′ notifications and upgrade pressure will ease after the free upgrade period ends. Image credit: Gordon Kelly
That cost will be $7 per user per month but the good news is it only applies to enterprises, for now. The new pricing tier will be called “Windows 10 Enterprise E3” and it means Windows has finally joined Office 365 and Azure as a subscription service. Of course the big question is now: How does this new subscription pricing affect the millions of consumers who upgraded to Windows 10 on the promise of it being free? The good news is Microsoft has gone on record to say it is not being passed down to consumers at this stage: “This new subscription model is not associated with our current upgrade offering or applicable to the Windows 10 consumer edition,” a Microsoft spokesperson told PC World. Could Microsoft eventually introduce Windows 10 monthly subscriptions for consumers? Without doubt, but I would be highly sceptical they would apply to anyone who has already upgraded. That said there is likely to be a threshold in future where Microsoft will draw a line in the sand for the ongoing addition of new features without a fee.
Source by:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2016/07/14/microsoft-confirms-windows-10-new-monthly-charge/#38747039dfab

Baraza la mitihani Tanzania NECTA limetangaza matokeo ya kidato cha Sita mwaka huu wa 2016 na wanaume wameongoza kwa wingi katika kumi bora, katibu mtendaji wa NECTA bado anaendelea kuongea mnaweza ona matokeo kwa website yao na ya TAMISEMI,

Ufaulu umeshuka kwa asilimia 0.93 ikilinganishwa na mwaka 2015 ambapo ufaulu ulikuwa 98.87.

Shule 10 zilizofanya vizuri: Kisimiri, Feza Boys, Alliance Girls, Feza Girls, Marian Boys, Tabora Boys, Kibaha, Mzumbe, Ilboru, na Tandahimba



Job Description

Ensures facility management is efficient and problems are minimized
Ensures compliance of centre's code of operational discipline
Ensures that any/all of the problems raised by tenants is solved immediately
Ensures proper compliance with the local laws
Have effective maintenance contracts and ensures compliance
Ensure public relations with local authorities
Adhere to projected budgets and timelines
To delegate and direct subordinates

View job thru APPLY NOW


Online Applications Only, You must be registered with CVPEOPLEAFRICA.com to apply for this position.

Principal Resource Mobilisation Officer POSITION DESCRIPTION:

Principal Resource Mobilisation Officer
(REF: EAC/HR/2015-2016/029)
The East African Community is a regional intergovernmental organisation comprising the Republic of Burundi, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Rwanda, the United Republic of Tanzania, and the Republic of Uganda with its Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The EAC mission is to widen and deepen economic, political, social and cultural integration to improve the quality of life of the people of East Africa through increased competitiveness, value added production, trade and investments.

This is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated and result-driven professional who is a citizen of East African Community Partner States (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) to apply for the following position tenable at East African Community - Secretariat:

Organ / Institution: The Secretariat

Duty Station: Arusha, Tanzania

Job Grade: P3

Job reports to: Secretary General

Job Purpose:
To efficiently and effectively manage the process of resource mobilization for the Community

Duties and Responsibilities:
Coordinate efforts of all sectors for resource mobilization;
Develop strategies and plans for mobilizing national and international financial resources for the programmes of the Community;
Assist in preparing project proposals for funding;
Act as focal point for all fund-raising efforts of the organs of the Community;
Ensure timely financial reports are prepared and submitted to Development Partners and other stakeholders;
Establish a databank of potential funding partners and follow upon submitted proposals with relevant Development Partners;
Coordinate exchange of relevant information and harmonizing process of fund-raising efforts of stakeholders;
Evaluate and prepare consolidated Annual Reports on implementation of projects and programmes using development partners’ funds;
Prepare periodic progress reports on resource utilization against plans of Directorates and Departments; and
Promote a positive corporate culture and image of the EAC.

Qualifications and Experience:
Masters Degree in Economics, Business Administration, Business Management or an equivalent degree from a recognised University/Institution.

Minimum of 10 years relevant experience with five (5) years of which should be at Senior level with specific emphasis on resource mobilisation and donor funding procedures.

Skills and Competencies:
Analytical skills, negotiation skills, networking skills, management skills, project planning and development skills, tactful, computer skills, research skills, report writing skills, mobilization skills and coordination skills.

Education Qualifications and Relevant Working Experience:
Education Qualifications:

All candidates applying must have qualifications that are recognized by the relevant national accreditation body in their respective Partner State. This condition is applicable for locally and internationally attained qualifications.

All professions that require registration with the specific professional bodies will be expected to do so in compliance with the requirements of their respective Partner States.

Relevant Work Experience:

Internship, training and apprenticeship will not be considered as relevant work experience.

Applicants from all five (5) Partner States are eligible to apply for this position.

Terms and Conditions of Service:
The above position is tenable for a contract of five (5) years renewable once and is subject to the application of the EAC Quota System.

Fringe Benefits:
This post offers attractive fringe benefits including housing allowance, transport allowance, education allowance, a medical scheme, and insurance cover.


Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements for the above mentioned position are advised to send their applications, detailed curriculum vitae, photocopies of academic certificates, names and contact details of three (3) referees, and a copy of National Identity Card, Birth Certificate or Passport showing the date of birth.

Please quote the respective reference number on both the application letter and the envelope. For electronic submissions, please quote the respective reference number on the subject of the email and forward to the address given below.

Applications should be submitted to the address below not later than Monday 15th August 2016, 17:00Hrs.

Please note:

You may submit your application either electronically or in hard copy but not both.
Applications which do not: indicate nationality and age; the reference number; an application letter attached; have certified copies of their academic degrees and other professional Certificates; or fail to provide three referees shall be disqualified.
Only qualified candidates will be contacted
EAC Staff Rules and Regulations prevent consideration of applicants above 55 years of age.
Please note that EAC does not require candidates to pay money for the recruitment process. All invitations for interviews shall be done in writing

The Director,
Executive Selection Division
Deloitte Consulting Limited
10th Floor PPF Tower
Cnr of Ohio Street & Garden Avenue
P O Box 1559 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Fax +255(22) 2116379
E-mail: esd@deloitte.co.tz

  • Job Vacancy > Secretary to Chief of Mission
    Location > Dar Es Salaam
    Position Type > Full Time
    Organization Type > NGO Website > https://tanzania.iom.int/

  • International Organization for Migration

Application Deadline: 27 Jul 2016
Secretary to Chief of Mission POSITION DESCRIPTION:

Position Description Document (download)


Interested candidates should fill in the PH form(https://tanzania.iom.int/vacancies), submit CV and cover letter indicating Vacancy Notice number with 3 professional references and contacts via APPLY NOW below

Or send applications to the address below;

International Organization for Migration Mission in the United Republic of Tanzania
Slipway Road, off Chole Road, Plot # 1365 Msasani. PO Box 9270 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Kindly note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
For further information, please refer to our website

Job Vacancy > Procurement and Logistics Assistant
Location > Dar Es Salaam
Position Type > Full Time
Organization Type > NGO Website > https://tanzania.iom.int/

  • International Organization for Migration

Application Deadline: 27 Jul 2016
Procurement and Logistics Assistant POSITION DESCRIPTION:

Under the overall supervision of Resource Management Officer and the direct supervision of the Procurement and Logistics Officer, the Procurement and Logistics Assistant is responsible for all aspects of procurement services for IOM in Dar es Salaam.

For further information visit the link below to download the Terms of Reference.


Interested candidates should fill in the PH form(https://tanzania.iom.int/vacancies), submit CV and cover letter indicating Vacancy Notice number with 3 professional references and contacts via APPLY NOW below

Or send applications to the address below;

International Organization for Migration Mission in the United Republic of Tanzania
Slipway Road, off Chole Road, Plot # 1365 Msasani. PO Box 9270 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Kindly note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
For further information, please refer to our website

Madeline Kimei, a Tanzanian commercial lawyer tells TBA about the role her company, Resolution Experts, is playing in the growing niche market in Private Dispute Resolution services. 

Q. Tell us about Resolution Experts and how you came to recognize the need for private dispute resolution services?
Resolution Experts specializes in commercial/contract advisory and dispute resolution consultancy and training. We also provide for dispute system design, investigations, workplace conflict management and online dispute management.
Madeline Kimei
I set up the company after realizing that there was growing demand for such a service in Tanzania’s legal industry. Since its inception in 2014, my company has introduced a number of products including an online dispute resolution platform iRESOLVE ™ for the resolution of dispute in an online system. 
Q. Why did you become involved in Alternative Dispute Resolution, mediation or arbitration?
A.I began to feel that there had to be a better way to resolve disputes and so started to think about whether I could find a way that would give me greater personal satisfaction in terms of helping companies and private clients. I concluded that arbitration and mediation were alternatives that would enable me to provide a service offering greater value. So I moved my practice in that direction. 
Civil litigation is so uncertain and so expensive that it makes sense to pursue ADR in most cases. For example, the process is private and confidential, reducing the reputation risk often associated with litigation. Besides any award by the arbitrator is equally binding as a court judgment.
Q. Tell us more about commercial mediation?
A. I became a mediator because the cost of litigation, in time, money and emotion, is enormous. It is expensive for both sides. For a business, there is time employees lose from productive work to prepare documents as well as money for lawyers. 
The advantage of mediation is that it enables both parties to explore options and choose decisions that work for them. The mediator’s job is to help the parties negotiate and to provide a sort of “time-out” in the dispute which helps the parties engage and communicate better. However, the mediator, unlike a judge or arbitrator, will not decide for the parties what their decisions should be. 
Q. Tell us about iResolve™ and the platform you have created to resolve disputes?
A. We launched iResolve™ in September 2015 and it is the first online dispute resolution (ODR) platform in Tanzania and in the East African region as a whole. The portal, which is accessed through the web at www.iresolve.co.tz. helps consumers and businesses prevent or resolve their complaints and disputes online, through a quick, efficient and affordable service.
Tanzania courts are inundated with hundreds of legal suits which cost the public purse billions of shillings, while also overloading the Judiciary and causing dissatisfaction. Iresolve™, was created to ease that overload. 
Cost savings derive from the convenience of conducting dispute resolution from wherever the Internet is accessible. The actual cost of communicating is reduced substantially by using e-mails and other forms of electronic communication.
Moreover, the platform provides support for discussion and caucusing, document management, scheduling and case management, and award drafting, allowing neutrals and parties to focus on finding solutions instead of paperwork.
Q. What advice would you give to law students looking to make ADR a significant part of their careers?
A. My advice to law students and young lawyers, regardless of their perceived interests, is to be open to experiencing different types of practices. For example, getting involved in an arbitration early on in your career is might be a good grounding when you establish your own practice years later. I strongly believe that increasingly dispute resolution skills will only become more important and serve to increase the value you bring to your clients, your firm, and your individual development.

Source: www.touchbaseafrica.co.za

Katika siku za hivi karibuni kumekuwa na Uvumi katika Mitandao ya Kijamii kuwa Serikali imeamua kushusha Mishahara ya Madaktari kwa asilimia 30% ili kuendana na dhana ya Hapa kazi tu na kuwa Serikali   imekusudia kufuta malipo ya Posho za Wataalamu wa Afya walio katika Mafunzo kwa Vitendo ufafanuzi kwa Umma wa Watanzania na Watumishi wa Sekta ya Afya kuwa taarifa hizo siyo za kweli.

Taarifa aliyoitoa Katibu Mkuu (Afya) alipokuwa anaongea na Watumishi wa  Hospitali ya Bugando  ililenga kutoa ufafanuzi kwa Watumishi wa Hospitali hiyo kuhusu kufutwa kwa kibali cha Msajili wa Hazina kilichowawezesha  watumishi wa Hospitali hiyo kulipwa Mishahara ya Taasisi zilizo chini ya Msajili wa Hazina tangu mwaka 2012.

Uamuzi huo wa Msajili wa Hazina unatokana na ukweli kwamba Hospitali ya Bugando siyo Shirika la Umma na hivyo wanastahili kulipwa mishahara sawa na watumishi wengine wa Serikali Kuu kwa kuzingatia makubaliano yaliyopo kati ya Serikali na Baraza  la Maaskofu Tanzania  (TEC) ambao ndio wamiliki wa Hospitali ya Bugando.

Aidha, ieleweke kuwa mishahara ya Watumishi wa Sekta ya Afya haizingatii ngazi ya Vituo vya kutolea huduma kama vile Zahanati, Kituo cha Afya, Hospitali, au Hospitali za Rufaa bali huzingatia uzito wa kazi na majukumu ya kada husika. Hivyo, mshahara wa Daktari wa Hospitali ya Wilaya ni sawa na ule wa Hospitali ya Rufaa ngazi ya Mkoa na Hospitali ya Rufaa ya Kanda.

Kutokana na maelezo haya, uamuzi huo wa Msajili wa Hazina utaihusu Hospitali ya Bugando pekee na siyo Hospitali zote za Kanda kwa kuwa dosari hiyo haikutokea katika Hospitali nyingine za Kanda.
Kuhusu ajira mpya kwa mwaka 2015/2016 ufafanuzi ulitolewa na Mhe. Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania kwamba hakutakuwa na ajira mpya hadi hapo Zoezi la Uhakiki wa Watumishi Serikalini litakapokamilika.  Hivyo, vibali vya ajira vilivyokuwa vimetolewa vimefutwa hadi hapo itakapotamkwa vinginevyo.

Kadhalika, kumekuwa na Uvumi kuwa Serikali inakusudia kufuta posho ya ‘Interns' kuanzia mwaka huu wa fedha.  Taarifa hii pia siyo sahihi kwa kuwa hakuna chombo chochote cha Serikali ambacho kimetoa maamuzi hayo.

Wizara inasisitiza kuwa maamuzi ya Serikali hutolewa na Mamlaka husika  kwa nyaraka. Hivyo, watumishi wa Sekta ya Afya na wananchi kwa ujumla wanaaswa kuzingatia taarifa zinazotolewa na Mamlaka za Serikali kuhusu Masuala yanayowahusu ambayo mara nyingi hutolewa kwa nyaraka badala ya Mitandao ya kijamii,

Imetolewa na;
Kitengo cha Mawasiliano Serikalini – Afya
14 Julai, 2016

Singita Grumeti Tanzania has once again affirmed its status as one of Africa's leading safari resorts,Following its scooping of the top spot in Travel and Leisure publication, on the "Best Safari Lodges in Africa".The announcement was made last week in New York.

Singita Grumeti Hotel

The award is a great recognition for Singita Grumeti after readers and visitors voted it the best in terms of its majestic location adjacent to the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, the home of the Great Migration. Every year, Travel + Leisure asks readers to vote based on their travel experiences
around the world.

According to the statement unveiled to the East African Business week that readers rated properties on their rooms, facilities, food, service and overall experience from the time of booking through to departure from the property.

Singita Grumeti was voted no.1 in the Private Lodges & Camps category. Readers loved the breathtaking vastness and beauty of the 350,000 acre reserve.

The serenity and solitude amidst the splendour can only be experienced in order to be believed and guests also value Singita's environmentally conscious hospitality and sustainable conservation which plays a big part in preserving Tanzania's heritage for future generations.

The award winning staff at Singita Grumeti consistently delivers personalised service that leaves one in utmost awe. "Nowhere delivers the safari experience quite like Singita Grumeti" quotes a reader's comments.

Commenting on the award, Singita COO Mark Witney, said: "The Travel + Leisure Awards are particularly prestigious in the world of travel because they are the result of a readers’ poll.

Readers of the magazine are asked to rate hotels and lodges they may recently have stayed at and so the outcome does not reflect the personal preferences of a travel writer but the real experiences of guests.

In 2015 Singita Sabi Sand in South Africa was voted “Best in Africa and the Middle East” and it is a source of great pride to us that our Tanzanian lodges receive the award for 2016"

"As a group, Singita aspires to become the foremost conservation company in Africa, protecting important wildlife areas for future generations. To achieve sustainable conservation and community projects we need to have a successful tourism product and the Travel + Leisure Award is an incredible endorsement.

Tanzania too should be proud of how this positions tourism in the country" Mr Witney added. This is particularly good news for Tanzania as this is the kind of standard that will benefit tourism in the country.
Singita Grumeti, Sasakwa Lodge

Singita Grumeti has been the recipient of several awards in the past such as rated No.1 in the world in the 2015 Conde Nast Traveler USA Readers' Choice Awards, Best Hotel in the World for Service in 2015 by Conde Nast Traveler UK and the World's Best Hotel overall in the Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards 2011 & 2012 lists of top 100 Hotels.

Furthermore, a Travel and Leisure award recognizes the companies in the travel and tourism industry which have shown outstanding service standards and overall customer experience.
Singita Grumeti, Farufaru Lodge

The world's most influential travel brand, Travel and leisure offers insiders’ access to destinations around the globe with a signature mix of smart advice, expert reporting and award winning coverage of hotels. With a global reach of more than 5.8 million readers, presence in the publication exposes brands to an extensive audience.

Singita is dedicated to environmentally conscious hospitality, sustainable conservation and the empowerment of local communities, Singita, meaning “place of miracles,” was founded in 1993 with a single lodge, Singita Ebony Lodge in South Africa in a magnificent piece of family land and the brand has been
growing ever since.


Wafanyabiashara wa mboga mboga, samaki wa kuzindika na bidhaa zingine za kilimo wameombwa kutumia fursa ya kuuza bidhaa zao nje ya nchi kufuatia kuzinduliwa kwa Bohari ya kwanza ya kisasa katika bara la Africa iliyogharimu shilingi bilioni 26 za kitanzania.
Waziri wa Kilimo,  Mifugo na Uvuvi, Dtk Charles Tizeba, akikata utepe, wakati wa uzinduzi rasmi wa Jengo la Kimataifa na Kisasa la Upokeaji wa Mizigo kutoka nje, lilojengwa na Kampuni ya Swissport Tanzania. Aliyesimama katikati ni Mwenyekiti wa Bodi wa Swissport, Bw. Mark Skinner. (Picha na Mpiga Picha Wetu)..

“Matarajio ya ukuaji wa huduma za usafirishaji wa bidhaa za kilimo, chakula na mifugo kupitia bohari hii ya kisasa Zaidi nchini na ni dhamira ya serikali kuhakikisha wafanyabishara katika sekta ya kilimo wananufaika kupitia mradi huu kabambe,” amesema Waziri wa Kilimo, uvuvi na Ushirika, Dkt Charles Tizeba wakati wa uzinduzi wa bohari hiyo ya jana  kwenye  Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Mwalimu Nyerere Dar es Salaam.

Sekta ya usafiri wa anga ni nyeti, ambayo uwepo na ukuaji wake unategemea huduma zinazoaminika—kama vile pamoja na mambo mengine utunzaji na usimamizi wa mizigo, bohari, utunzaji na usimamizi wa barua, utunzaji wa nyaraka zinazohusu mizigo iliyopakiwa au kupakuliwa.

Dkt Tizeba aliongeza pia kwamba wizara yake itaanza kuhamamisha wakulima na wafugaji kuanza kutengeneza na kuandaa nyama kuweka katika ubora wa uhakika ili kuweza kuuza nje ya nchi na kuuza uchumi wa mtu mmoja mmoja na taifa kwa ujumla.

“Kwa sasa machinjio yetu ya Ruvu wanaweza kuchinjwa takribani ng’ombe 4,000 kwa siku ila tupo katika mpango kabambe kuhakikisha idadi inaongezeka ili waweze kutumia fursa ya bohari hii ya kisasa kutafuta masoko nje ya nchi,” amesema Dkt Tizeba 

Amesema kwamba serikali itaendelea kutoa elimu kwa wafanyabiashara wa ndani ili waweze kutumia uwanja huu wa ndege wa Mwl nyerere ili kuuuza mtandao wa kuuza bidhaa zao za kilimo, mboga mboga na maua nje ya nchi.

Alisisitiza kwamba ni muhimu wa Serikali kuendelea kushirikiana na taasisi, sekta binafsi katika sekta ya anga ili kuleta tija na kutumia sekta hii kama kichocheo cha ukuaji wa uchumi wan chi nzima.

“wafanyabiashara wa maua na bidhaa zingine za kilimo wanapaswa kuendelea kutumia fursa hii adhimu katika kupambana na umaskini na kupunguza tatizo la ajira nchini.

Bw Temu alisema kwamba uzinduzi rasmi wa jengo hilo jipya la kuhudumia mizigo inayoingia na kutoka nchini ni la kisasa barani Afrika na litaongeza ufanisi wa huduma katika sekta ya usafirishaji nchini.

Alisema kwamba kampuni hiyo Swissport ni ya kimataifa ambayo inatoa huduma zake kwa takribani nchini 58 duniani kwa kiwango cha ubora wa kimataifa ya kusafirisha, kuhifadhi na kupokea mizigo ya aina zote na bidhaa mbalimbali.

Bw Temu aliongeza kwamba kitengo cha bohari ya kupakia mizigo kimetengenezwa kwa teknolojia ya juu kabisa katika kuhakikisha ufanisi na uharakishaji wa upakiaji mizigo ambapo kinaweza kupakia tani 30 kwa siku.

Kwa kutambua umuhimu wa huduma Kampuni ya Swissport inayotoa, Bw Temu alisema: “Tumeamua kuboresha huduma zetu za kupakia na kupakua mizigo…kwa kweli, hizi ni nguzo muhimu kwa ukuaji endelevu wa hii sekta nchini Tanzania.”
Bw. Gaudence Temu (kushoto), Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Swissport Tanzania, akifafanua jambo kwa Waziri wa Kilimo,  Mifugo na Uvuvi, Dtk Charles Tizeba, wakati wa uzinduzi rasmi wa Jengo la Kimataifa na Kisasa la Upokeaji wa Mizigo kutoka nje, lilojengwa na Kampuni ya Swissport Tanzania. (Picha na Mpiga Picha Wetu)

Akielezea uboreshaji ambao umefanyika, Bw Temu alisema kwa sasa chumba maalum cha baridi cha Swissport kimepanuliwa kwa kuongeza huduma mpya kama vile mfumo wa ukaguzi wa mizigo ndani ya chumba chenye mitambo maalum. 
Alisema “chumba hiki maalum kimegawanywa katika maeneo mawili: eneo moja lina ukubwa wa mita 200 za mraba na lingine ni mita 100 za mraba.”

 Akifafanua zaidi, ofisa mkuu huyo wa Swissport alisema kampuni yao imefunga mizani ya futi 20 katika eneo lao kwa kutoa huduma kulingana na mahitaji ya shirika la ndege husika.

Kwa upande wa kuhifadhi mizigo, kampuni ya Swissport imejenga bohari ya kisasa na salama na inayoweza kufiwa kwa urahisi. Imefungwa mitambo maalum ya CCTV na ya ukaguzi wa magari. Pamoja na mambo mengine, bohari hii ina vifaa maalum kwa ajili ya ukaguzi, uangalizi na utunzaji salama wa mizigo.

Uboreshaji uliofanywa hivi karibuni umefanywa kwa lengo la kuisaidia serikali katika jitihada zake za kuboresha huduma za usafiri wa ndege, ambao ni muhimu sana katika kukuza uchumi wa nchi na kuboresha huduma za kijamii na kiuchumi za ustawi wa mamilioni ya Watanzania, kwa mujibu wa Meneja Mikataba na Masoko-Swissport, Bw James Mhagama.

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