Smile for Tanzania education
Since the dawn of mankind, human beings have sat down together, trying to learn from each other. In time, the act of learning became institutionalized, and schools in all kinds of disciplines emerged. In the last couple of centuries nothing much changed – students gathered around their teachers, who taught whatever knowledge they possessed. The source of knowledge was limited to that of the teacher and to the, often insufficient, amounts of books available. In other words, knowledge geographically limited.
This is about to change in a very radical way with the introduction of 4G LTE in the classrooms of schools around the world – Tanzania included.
4G LTE opens the door for faster access to worldwide information and educational content, allowing schools and universities to enjoy video-lectures, how-to educational videos, the latest articles, information and knowledge.
The search for knowledge will no longer be confined to what the teacher knows – it can be sought online, any time of the day, any day of the week, all year, every year.
In Dar es Salaam’s Feza School, which holds a nursery, primary and secondary education for 1076 boys and girls, the administrator Salim A. Abeid told The Guardian about the school’s use of 4G LTE broadband internet provided by Smile Communications.
“At the moment we have 71 computers connected to Smile Communications’ 4G LTE network and we are successfully implementing the use of the internet in various classes”, the headmaster explains. “We start teaching computer- and internet literacy at standard one and we have specific computer classes where the children first learn the basics about computers and then are taught to use the internet in various ways – mainly to improve their general knowledge on different subjects.”
The headmaster also told The Guardian that Google was a favorite when looking for answers, but that the children also have good knowledge on using Wikipedia, Yahoo and various online encyclopedias in their search for knowledge.
Salim A. Abeid says that both the teachers and the students are very eager users of the internet, which Mr. Abeid considers a cost effective and flexible source of knowledge.
 “I hope the future will bring a solid IT-foundation for Tanzania so we can develop expertise of our own” Mr. Abeid concludes.
Drawing on experience from abroad, it seems like 4G LTE is already making an impact. Connection a learning institution to Smile Communications’ superfast 4G LTE broadband internet can revolutionize learning with innovative e-learning opportunities and enable schools to share expertise with students and other learning institutions, well beyond classroom walls.
Another benefit seems to be more mobile productivity, especially for higher learning institutions like universities. With the help of a superfast connection they can cultivate collaboration and communication off-campus between faculty and students, making the learning situation more flexible – if every student and teacher had access to 4G LTE, the schools facilities would – at least in theory – become obsolete because of the possibility of making crystal clear video calls.
Speaking of which, online video calls can also be used to create new teaching formulas. A top lecturer or professor is no longer geographically limited to his auditorium – or even to the university premises. Equipped with a 4G LTE connection and a webcam, he or she can reach thousands and thousands of students – worldwide. Harvard University, the oldest and most respected institution of higher learning in the United States, is currently introducing free online video-lectures for anyone interested.
And it doesn’t have to be a one-way learning situation. Since 4G LTE works without a lag a live podcast can enable students to post questions and feedback online and get answers right away. Another benefit is the green footprint 4G LTE brings. In the universities where 4G LTE has been implemented, paperwork has fallen significantly.
With the introduction of its 4G LTE broadband internet service in Dar es Salaam, Smile Communications is bringing the future to Tanzanian education.

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