December 2014

PhD Position in "Internet of Things and Big Data" at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

Application deadline: January 20, 2015

As PhD student you will join the Networks and Systems division and Work at the intersection of Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analysis In distributed systems.

The Internet of Things enables an increasing connectivity of everyday devices and objects.

These connected devices provide us with new insights into our daily life and we rely on Big Data Analysis to extract these insights.

The overall aim of this PhD Position is to develop new mechanisms and applications for the Internet of Things and combine these with Big Data Analysis to enable, for example, improved use of resources and sustainable living in future, smart cities.

A special focus shall be put on Internet of Things at metropolitan-scale, energy-efficient networks, information security and privacy, and near real-time data-stream analysis.

Salary for the position is as specified in Chalmers' general agreement for PhD student positions. Currently the starting salary is 26,250SEK per month before tax. The position is intended to start in spring 2015, but different a start date can also be arranged.

 Your major responsibility as a PhD student is to pursue your own doctoral studies. You are expected to develop your own scientific concepts and communicate the results of your research verbally and in writing. The position generally also includes teaching on Chalmers' undergraduate level or performing other duties corresponding to 20 per cent of working hours.

To qualify as a PhD student, you must have a solid background in Computer Science and Engineering or in a related discipline, corresponding to a master's level degree of at least 240 higher education credits. As for all PhD studies, a genuine interest and curiosity in the subject matter and excellent analytical and communication skills, both oral and written, are needed.

The ideal candidate for the position has a strong background in distributed computing and networked systems, including algorithmic aspects. Further experience with interdisciplinary projects or background in cyber physical systems, information security, or data science is helpful. You may apply even if you have not completed your degree, but expect to do so before the position starts. Knowledge of Swedish is not a prerequisite for applying since English is our working language for research, and we publish internationally.

Both Swedish and English are used in undergraduate courses. Our researchers and PhD students at the department come from more than 30 different countries.

Please see here for the full position description, contact details, and information on how to apply:

This video gives an impression what it's like to live and study in Gothenburg: [2]


By Damas Makangale, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania  
TANZANIA is ready to open up its market for the architects professional from the East Africa region but after other member’s states reconsidering changes (Amendement) in the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) document from the Common Market Protocol. 

Speaking to the East African Business Week last week in Dar es Salaam, Registrar of the Architects and Quantity Surveyors Registration Board, Architect Jehad Jehad said that the professional board of the architects in Tanzania is read to open up its market for the professionals architects in the region but with some amendments in the MRA.

“You know look here it is not true that Tanzania doesn’t want to sign MRA to ratify the Common Market Protocol in the architect industry to allow free movement of professional in the region but we want some changes in the document to ensure win to win situation,” he said.

He said that the government and other professional bodies in collaboration with the East African Business Council hold a meeting to discuss and raise awareness to stakeholders on the best way to foster regional integration through architect’s professionals.

The Registrar said that Tanzania will continue to dilly and dally in signing the MRA until the members states withdrawal the countries interest and championing the interest of the community.

“We cannot jump into the final conclusion of signing the document to satisfy the interest of other member states but we want to assured ourselvers that the request for the amendment in the MRA is taking into account,”he noted.

He noted that the MRA instructed that after the country’s professional body sign a document allows architects from members states to be registered members of the professionals body in Tanzania.

Architect, Jihad said that if the architect professional body allows that the other members from EAC would swallow them due to the fact that the number of the architects registered in Tanzania is low to compare for example in Kenya. 

“For instance the registered architects in Tanzania are 300 only while in Kenya are more than 1,900 so they will going to swallow smooth and wiped us in the Tanzanian market,” he explained.

He explained further that Tanzania has not yet sign a MRA document which comes from the Common Market Protocol that allows a free movement of labour, goods and services in the East African Community (EAC).

Architect, Jihad said that the goverment and the professional body are aware the is ongoing public outcry especially from member states that they are paying high taxes and other fees such as foreigns while they are members of the EAC.

He said that the few number of the professional architects in the country with different education backgrounds, criteria of being a professional architect as well the education syllabus is another bottleneck for the Tanzania to sign a document.

“We are current discussing with other Universities such as Dodoma University, Ruaha University and Tumaini to establish at least a faculty of architectural and quantity surveyors in order to recruit more students in the field,” he underscored.
Architect, Jihad said that in Tanzania so far they have a single recognised university college architectural studies, Ardhi University which is cannot meet the demand of architects in the country.

The EACIA Mutual Recognition Agreement was negotiated along the annex on Free Movement Services of EAC Common Market Protocol. The MRA thus will serve to create an avenue through which the East Africa Community integration process will take effect.

Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs)
With the signing of the Common Market Protocol, the EAC Partner States committed to working towards free movement of services and labour in the region. Regulations and the recognition of qualifications differ between Partner States making it difficult for East African professionals to register within another Partner State.

Professionals such as engineers, medical professionals or lawyers have to be assessed through regulatory authorities to ensure quality. To facilitate the free movement of services and labour, a mutual recognition of qualifications and certificates needs to be in place within the EAC.

Watu zaidi ya mia moja na ishirini na sita (126) wamefariki wakiwamo watoto 84 mara baada ya wapiganaji wa Taliban kuingia ndani ya shule na kuanza kushambulia kwa risasi na mmoja wa magaidi kujilipua na kufa ndani ya darasa linalosadikiwa kuwa na jumla ya watoto sitini (60).

Mwalimu wa wanafunzi pia alichomwa moto mbele ya kadamnasi ya watu huku wanafunzi wake wakilazimishwa kuangalia unyama huo.

Waziri mkuu wa Uingereza amelaani vikali mauaji hayo na kuelekezea kusikitishwa kwake sana.
Wavamiaji hao waliingia wakiwa na silaha ndani ya shule yenye uwezo wa kuchukua watu 500 na iliyo na wanafunzia kuanzia gredi ya kwanza hadi ya kumi kuanzia umri wa miaka mitano hadi kumi na minne.
Pia inakisiwa watoto mia na sitini 160 wenye umri wa miaka 13 na 14 bado wanashikiliwa kama mateka na wavamiaji wanne.

The attack started with the gunmen entering the 500-pupil school - which has students in grades 1-10, thought to be ages 5 to 14 - in the early hours
Mmoja wa majeruhi wa uvamizi huo

A Pakistani girl, who was injured in the attack, is rushed to a hospital in Peshawar
mmoja wawanafunzi waliojeruhiwa akiwahishwa hospitalini

A hospital security guard helps a student injured in a shootout at a military school in Peshawar

Pakistani security forces takes up positions on a road leading to the Army Public School
Vikosi vya usalama vya Pakistan wakiwamstari wambele katika barabara inayoelekea shule ya Army Public

Ambulances drive away from the military run school, which was attacked by the Taliban in the early hours

School was stormed by six gunmen in military fatigues , it was reported

A Pakistani soldier takes up a position above a road near the school

Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC) on behalf of Danida, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, calls for applications for MSc Scholarships under the Building Stronger Universities Programme.

The Programme offers 38 two-year full-time scholarships available for commencement in September 2015.

Bachelor graduates from the following universities are eligible to apply:

  • Ghana: University of Ghana and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • Tanzania: Sokoine University of Agriculture, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College, and State University of Zanzibar
  • Uganda: Gulu University
  • Nepal: Kathmandu University.
The aim of the MSc Scholarship Programme is to provide talented students from South partner universities with the opportunity to obtain a master's degree from a Danish university in order to contribute to the development of their countries. In addition to their professional studies, it is expected that the students will obtain good knowledge of the Danish society, culture and values as well as the opportunity to networking with Danish students, companies and organisations.

 Click here to download full details of the Scholarships
Afisa Habari wa kituo cha Habari cha Umoja wa Mataifa (UNIC), Stella Vuzo aliyemwakilisha Mratibu Mkazi wa mashirika ya Umoja wa Mataifa na mwakilishi wa Shirika la Maendeleo la Umoja wa Mataifa (UNDP) nchini, Alvaro Rodriguez akiongea na na Vijana (hawapo pichani) kutoka taasisi mbalimbali na mashirika yasiyokuwa yakiserikali wanaofanyaka kazi za kujitolea kwenye jamii wakati wa maadhimisho ya siku ya kujitolea kimataifa yaliyofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam. Siku ya Kujitolea duniani huadhimishwa kila mwaka tarehe 5 Desemba duniani kote ambapo kwa Tanzania kitaifa maadhimisho haya yamefanyika jijini Dar es Salaam mwishoni mwa juma. (Picha zote na Zainul Mzige wa MOblog).

Na Mwandishi wetu
SERlKALI imesema inatoa kipaumbele kwenye suala la kujitolea ikiwa ni sehemu ya kushirikisha vijana katika maendeleo yao na taifa lao.
Kauli hiyo imetolewa mwishoni mwa wiki na Kaimu Mkurugenzi Idara ya Maendeleo ya vijana, Wizara ya Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo,James Kajugusi wakati akisoma hotuba kwenye madhimisho ya Siku ya Kimataifa yakujitolea kwa niaba ya Waziri wa wizara hiyo Dk. Fenela Mkangara.
“ Kama nchi serikali inadhani kujitolea ni hiari si kitu cha kulazimisha… unafanya kwa hiari bila kusukumwa na mtu au kitu inajenga nidhamu.Serikali inaamini kujitolea ni utu na unaonesha ubinadamu wako kwako wewe mwenyewe kwa watu wengine na kwa nchi yako.”
Kaimu Mkurugenzi huyo alisema kwamba kutokana na Serikali kuthamini na kutambua mchango wa kujitolea kwa ajili ya maendeleo ya nchi ,ambapo washiriki wake wengi ni vijana, inapanga mkakati wa kutumia uzoefu wa vijana hao katika masuala hayo ili kuinua ushiriki wa vijana katika maendeleo ya nchi.

Kaimu Mkurugenzi, Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana kutoka Wizara ya Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo, James Kajugusi (mwenye suti nyeusi) aliyewamwakilisha Waziri mwenye dhamana wa wizara hiyo, akiongea na Vijana wanaofanyashughuli za kutolea wakati wa maadhimisho ya siku ya kujitolea kimataifa yaliyofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam mwishoni mwa juma.

Alisema ingawa kujitolea kunawezesha kupata uzoezi ili vijana waweze kuajiriwa na kuendeleza taaluma,maana ya kujitolea haipo katika kuajiriwa bali katika hali ya kuona maana yake katika kusaidia jamii kujitambua na kujituma na kuwajibika .

“Usaidizi katika jamii ndio muhimu kuliko ajira. Haina maana yoyote kuwa na ajira bila kujua maana yake katika kusaidiajamii,” huku akisisitiza kwamba haina maana yoyote kama umeajiriwa na ukaendekeza umimi huku ukiwa hujali maslahi ya umma hata yanapoharibika.

Alisema Serikali ikiwa inaamini kwamba chachu ya kujitolea ni vijana ametaka watumie njia mbalimbali katika shughuli za kujitolea kwa kuona wenzetu wanafanya nini na kutumia uzoefu wao katika kujenga taifa imara la Tanzania.

Aidha alisema wakati umefika wa vijana kusaidia kurejesha moyo wa kujitolea uliokuwepo kabla ya miaka ya 1970 ambapo shughuli za maendeleo ikiwemo ujenzi wa barabara ulifanywa na wananchi wenyewe kwa namna ya kujitolea kuanzia miaka ya 1970 moyo wa kujitolea umepungua sana.

Pichani juu na chini ni baadhi ya vijana kutoka taasisi mbalimbali na mashirika yasiyo ya kiserikali waliohudhuria maadhimisho ya siku ya kujitolea kimataifa yaliyofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam mwishoni mwa juma wakisikiliza kwa umakini hotuba ya Waziri Mukangara iliyosomwa kwa niaba yake na Kaimu Mkurugenzi, Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana kutoka Wizara ya Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo, James Kajugusi (hayupo pichani).

“Nilikozaliwa wananchi ndio walikuwa wanatengeneza barabara, visima vya maji, wananchi ndio wanapeleka wagonjwa hospitali..’” na kusema kwamba sasa hali imekuwa mbaya kwa kuwa inadaiwa kitu kwanza kabla ya kufanyika kwa kazi.

Akizungumzia kauli mbiu ya mwaka huu ya siku ya kujitolea inayosema; Ushiriki na ushirikishwaji katika kuleta maendeleo katika ngazi zote za kitaifa na za kimataifa, amesema inaangalia ushiriki wa vijana katika maendeleo.

Alisema Tanzania imetengeneza mikakati kadha aya kuwezesha ushiriki wa vijana ikiwa ni pamoja na kuridhia mkataba wa vijana wa umoja wa Mataifa na kuanzisha baraza la vijana kwa mujibu wa katiba.

Naye Afisa habari wa kitengo cha habari cha Umoja wa Mataifa (UNIC), Stella Vuzo akizungumza kwa niaba ya Mratibu Mkazi wa Mashirika ya Umoja wa Mataifa nchini, Alvaro Rodrigues, amesema umoja wa mataifa unajisikia faraja kuadhimisha siku hiyo ikiwakumbuka watu mbalimbali waliofanya utu kwa kujitolea katika shughuli mbalimbali za ubinadamu.


Akiwasilisha neno la katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa,Ban Ki moon alisema siku ya kimataifa ya kujitolea ni muhimu kutokana na mahitaji halisi yaliyopo sasa duniani katika ulinzi wa maisha ya binadamu na utamaduni wake.

Alisema maelfu ya wananchi waliokumbwa na madhila mbalimbali wameweza kutulizwa na wafanyakazi wa kujitolea ambao waliondoa umimi na ubinafsi na kusaidia walio katika matatizo.
Alisema Umoja wa mataifa ukiwa unathamini amani , haki sawa na maendeleo ya jamii na kwa kuwa na siku ya kujitolea ya kimataifa kunaonesha umuhimu wa juhudi za umoja huo za kusambaza malengo hayo kufanikisha maendeleo na ushiriki wa vijana katika maendeleo yao , kitaifa na kimataifa.

Katika hotuba yake ya kumkaribisha mgeni rasmi, Vuzo alisema kwamba shughuli za kujitolea za Umoja wa Mataifa zilianza nchini mwaka 1974 katika misingi ile ile ya kufunza jamii kujitolea kwa manufaa yao na maendeleo ya taifa.

Vuzo alisema programu ya kujitolea ya Umoja wa mataifa ambayo hapa nchini inaitwa UNV inasaidia kufanikisha mikakati mbalimbali inayoendeshwa na serikali ili kuboresha hali ya kujitolea nchini kwa manufaa ya taifa.

Programu hiyo ikiwa imezingwa na mikakati ya kitaifa ya kukabiliana na umaskini kama MKUKUTA na MKUZA na misaada kwa mipango ya maendeleo ya Umoja wa mataifa UN kuanzia mwaka 2011 – 2016, UNV kwa sasa inajishughulisha na masuala ya wakimbizi, utawala bora, Ukimwi vijana na maendeleo sekta binafsi.

Alisema UNV ikiwa imetimiza miaka 35 imekuwa ikiwasaidia Watanzania katika sekta hizo ambapo wamekuwa wakifanya kazi kwa moyo mmoja kuhakikisha maisha ya watanzania yanabadilika.

Aidha ametoa wito kwa vijana kujiunga na shughuli za kujitolea kutokana na umuhimu wake kwao na kwa taifa.

Mkufunzi wa ujasiriamali kutoka shirika lisilola kiserikali la Restless Development, Lawrence Ambokile, akitoa ushuhuda wake kwa vijana wenzake ambapo alisema anajisikia faraja na moyo wake una furaha kwa kufanya kazi za kujitolea kwenye jamii ambapo imemsaidia kukuza uelewa wake na pia ni baraka kwa Mungu.

Mkurugenzi Msaidizi Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana Dkt. Steven Kisui akifafanua jambo wakati wa maadhimisho ya siku ya kujitolea kimataifa yaliyofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam mwishoni mwa juma yaliyokutanisha vijana kutoka taasisi na mashirika mbalimbali yasiyoyakiserikali wanaofanyashughuli za kujitolea kwenye jamii.

Vijana wanaofanya shughuli za kujitolea kutoka ndanu na nje ya nchi wakiwa wamekusanyika pamoja kwenye maadhimisho ya siku ya kimataifa ya kujitolea yaliyofanyika mwishoni mwa juma jijini Dar es Salaam.

Kaimu Mkurugenzi, Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana kutoka Wizara ya Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo, Bw. James Kajugusi (kulia) akiwa ameongozana na Mkurugenzi Msaidizi Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana Dkt. Steven Kisui, Afisa Habari wa kituo cha Habari cha Umoja wa Mataifa (UNIC), Stella Vuzo aliyemwakilisha Mratibu Mkazi wa mashirika ya Umoja wa Mataifa na mwakilishi wa Shirika la Maendeleo la Umoja wa Mataifa (UNDP) nchini, Alvaro Rodriguez wakielekea kutembelea mabanda kwenye maadhimisho ya siku ya kujitolea kimataifa yaliyofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam mwishoni mwa juma.

Mfanyakazi wa Shirika la KOICA, Catherine Tarimo akieleza shughuli mbalimbali wanazofanya ikiwemo kujitolea kwa Kaimu Mkurugenzi, Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana kutoka Wizara ya Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo, James Kajugusi (mwenye suti nyeusi) aliyewamwakilisha Waziri mwenye dhamana ya wizara hiyo. Kushoto kwake ni Afisa Habari wa kituo cha Habari cha Umoja wa Mataifa (UNIC), Stella Vuzo na kulia kwake ni Mkurugenzi Msaidizi Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana Dkt. Steven Kisui.

Mwakilishi wa kampuni ya 4Life, Nelson Benges (mwenye tai ya damu ya mzee) akielezea virutubisho mbalimbali vinavyotumika kuimarisha kinga ya mwili wa mwanadamu kwa asilimia 437 na kuufanya mwili imara na uweze kupamba na magonjwa kwa Kaimu Mkurugenzi, Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana kutoka Wizara ya Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo, Bw. James Kajugusi Kulia kwa Bw. Kajugusi ni Afisa Habari wa kituo cha Habari cha Umoja wa Mataifa (UNIC), Bi. Stella Vuzo na kushoto kwake ni Programme Officer wa Shirika la UNV, Bi. Stella Karegyesa.

Mtaalam wa Masoko wa UN Volunteer Kitaifa, Catherine Sinje (wa pili kulia) akieleza shughuli mbalimbali za kujitolea zinazofanywa na shirika lake likiwahusisha vijana zaidi katika kufanya kazi za kujitolea kwenye jamii kwa Kaimu Mkurugenzi, Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana kutoka Wizara ya Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo, Bw. James Kajugusi wakati wa kutembelea mabanda kwenye maadhimisho ya siku ya kujitolea kimataifa yaliyofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam mwishoni mwa juma.

Kaimu Mkurugenzi, Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana kutoka Wizara ya Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo, Bw. James Kajugusi, akizungumza jambo na wafanyakazi wa Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la kujitolea (UNV) alipokuwa akitembelea mabanda kwenye maadhimisho ya siku ya kujitolea kimataifa yaliyofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam mwishoni mwa juma.
Kwa picha zaidi ingia hapa

Africa’s first underwater hotel has opened on Pemba island, off the Tanzanian mainland. The hotel has a room located 13ft below sea level and can only be accessed by going down a step ladder.
Africa's first underwater hotel, the Manta Resort is located on Pemba island, off mainland Tanzania. Photo: Genberg Art UW Ltd/ Jesper Anhede/ Mercury Press via
Africa's first underwater hotel, the Manta Resort is located on Pemba island, off mainland Tanzania. Photo: Genberg Art UW Ltd/ Jesper Anhede/ Mercury Press via

Dubbed the Manta Resort, the hotel has three floors. The balcony is the top floor which is perfect for sun bathing during the day and star gazing at night. The middle floor houses the dining room.
A night in Manta Resort's Underwater Room would cost one $ 1,500 per night. Photo: Genberg Art UW Ltd/ Jesper Anhede/ Mercury Press via
A night in Manta Resort’s Underwater Room would cost one $ 1,500 per night. Photo: Genberg Art UW Ltd/ Jesper Anhede/ Mercury Press via

 On the last floor sits The Manta Underwater Room whereby guests sleep in a glass-walled chamber surrounded entirely by the sea.

A stay at the Manta Underwater Room will cost one $1,500 per night.

Mata's blog: Re-united with Koeman

Hi everyone. Once again I’m writing to you from my hotel room because, as you know, we play Southampton [today]. Our position in the Premier League table is now better after defeating Stoke at Old Trafford last Tuesday.
It was our fourth victory in a row and we can climb to the third spot if we manage to win again. That would be good news ahead of Christmas, although we want to get better and better throughout the whole month.
Beating Stoke was not easy at all. They are a dangerous team, as they showed against Arsenal on Saturday, and you have to be aware of that until the final whistle.

Many of you have asked me about the second goal. To be honest I couldn’t see whether Marcos had touched the ball or not. I just tried to cross the ball in a way that our players had some advantage over the Stoke defenders, but also towards the goal, as we practice in training, so eventually it would go inside if nobody touched it. Luckily, that’s what happened. A very important goal.

Against Stoke, David de Gea played yet another key role and you voted for him as the Best Player of the Month twice in a row. It’s not easy for a goalkeeper to win these kind of awards, what he is doing this season is very commendable. Congratulations, my friend.

Even more challenging than Stoke will be Southampton. They are third on their own merits with an outstanding run at home: 5 wins in 7 games, with 17 goals scored and only 4 conceded. It's going to be a special reunion, since Ronald Koeman was my manager in Valencia when I won my first title as a professional footballer: the Copa del Rey.

 He was very important in my career because he gave me confidence and I played regularly, which is what every young player needs in his early years.
Thank you for being there, I'll see you next week. Hugs to all!


Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mheshimiwa Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete amemteua Mkuu Mpya mmoja wa Mkoa na kuwahamisha vituo vya kazi wengine sita kuanzia jana, Jumamosi, Desemba 6, 2014.
Taarifa iliyotolewa leo, Jumapili, Desemba 7, 2014 na Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi (KMK), Balozi Ombeni Sefue mjini Dar es Salaam inasema kuwa Rais amemteua Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Karatu, Mkoa wa Arusha, Ndugu Daudi Felix Ntibenda  kuwa Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Arusha.
Ndugu Ntibenda ataapishwa kesho, Jumatatu, Desemba 8, 2014, saa nne asubuhi, Ikulu, Dar Es Salaam.
Taarifa hiyo inasema kuwa wakuu waliohamishwa vituo vya kazi ni Mheshimiwa Elaston Mbwilo anayehamishwa kutoka Mkoa wa Manyara kwenda Mkoa wa Simiyu ambako anachukua nafasi ya Mheshimiwa Paschal Mabiti aliyepewa likizo ya ugonjwa, Mheshimiwa Joel Nkanga Bendera aliyehamishwa Mkoa wa Manyara kutoka Mkoa wa Morogoro na Mheshimiwa Dkt. Rajabu M Rutengwe anayehamishwa Mkoa wa Morogoro kutoka Mkoa wa Tanga.
Wengine ni Mheshimiwa Magalula Saidi Magalula anayehamishiwa Mkoa wa Tanga kutoka Mkoa wa Lindi, Mheshimiwa Mwantumu Bakari Mahiza anayehamishiwa Mkoa wa Lindi kutoka Mkoa wa Pwani na Mheshimiwa Mhandisi Evarist B. Ndiliko anayehamishiwa Mkoa wa Pwani kutoka Mkoa wa Arusha.
Wakuu wengine wa mikoa wanaendelea kubakia katika vituo vyao vya sasa vya kazi.

Imetolewa na:
Kurugenzi ya Mawasiliano ya Rais,
Ikulu – Dar es Salaam.

Polisi katika hali ya kushangaza wanamtafuta kitoto kichanga baada ya kukiri kuupata mwili wa mama mzazi katika mapango ya gorge jana usiku.

Charlotte Bevan aliyekuwa na umri wa miaka 30 inasidikika kutoka  katika hopsitali ya Bristol Maternity akiwa amevaa slippers nyembamba za hoSpitali bila ya koti na huku akiwa amemfunika mwanawe katika blanketi majira ya saa tatu usiku juzi jumanne.

Kulingana na picha za CCTV zimeonyesha jinsi mama huyo wa kichanga cha siku nne alivyoweza kutoka hopistali na kupita wodi  floors kadhaa na kichanga hicho licha ya kuonekana na manesi wanne na kutomea bila ya kuonekana.

Jana usiku mtembea kwa miguu alivikuta vitu vyake juu ya Avon Gorge na helikopta ya ploisi kuukuta mwili wake chini ya daraja la Clifton Suspension lakini hawakumkuta mwanawe.

 Confirmed: Police said today that the body found at the bottom of the Avon Gorge was Miss Bevan

Watafutaji wakiendelea na utafutaji

 Officers are now using the daylight hours to slowly descend into the Avon Gorge searching for the baby    

The Gorge runs for ten miles from the Bristol Channel 
Clifton Suspension Bridge

 Two officers on horseback arrive at the scene via the Clifton Suspension Bridge


Charlotte Bevan, 30, kushoto, akiondoka Bristol Maternity Hospital bila ya koti na akiwa amevaa ndala nyepesi za hospital akiwa  na mwanae mchanga  Zaani Tiana  ndani ya blanketi juzi jumanne saa tatu usiku.


 Desperate: The CCTV was released following an emotional appeal by Miss Bevan's boyfriend Pascal Malbrouk, and her mother Rachel Fortune

 Widespread: Miss Bevan's disappearance has prompted a huge police search

Miss Bevan's boyfriend Pascal Malbrouck, 37, pleaded: 'Please come back.'You're welcome any time. The last two days as a family were amazing and I really want to do that for much longer'
Mchumba wa Miss Bevan, Pascal Malbrouck, 37

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